Where to start, hmm lets see, I have started baby sitting now. I keep a two year old all day and a 6 yr old after school, three or four days a week. I dont know if you all knew or not that the house that we live in was my grandparents, my grandfather built it. It belonged to mom and dad. We have talked them into letting us pay the payments and we are now buying the house. I am so excited!! Our rooms are coming along great! We now have two rooms fully equipped right now with insulation and partially sheet rocked. One room will be a walkin closet, the other will be my laundry room. We can't wait until they are done!
I believe that I promised you guys some pictures from our trip. The first thing that I want to show you is our cabins. Yes it is plural. We started out in one called wooded haven. It was a lovely little cabin.
It was a two bedroom with a sleeper sofa. My husband, myself, our three kids, and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law all went.

(This was mine and my husband's room.)

(This one is my mother in laws.)
It was a little cramped but doable. We only stayed there one night and that was because when we went out for supper, and came back, my mother in law got stuck in the drive way and had to walk the rest of the way up. She has a bad hip and a bad back.

(Grayson enjoying the pretty weather)

(Kirk and Draven enjoying the view)

(my sister in law in the garden)
When she caught her breathe from the long walk, she called the office and we were told to come to the office in the morning for another cabin. The second one we got was immaculate. Three stories, three bedrooms, an extra bed out in the loft, two sleeper sofas, a game room, and a hot tub!! It was gorgeous!

That is the outside, I guess we will start with the main floor of the cabin.

This is my mother in laws room

Now we will go down stairs.
This is the game room down there.

Here is the bedroom down there.

Now I want to take you up to the loft.

This was our room and our bathroom. The bathroom has a Jacuzzi, notice the window, as I was taking my long baths, eagles would fly by our window.

This is Daniel and Draven outside on the bottom level

I also want to show you a funny picture of me. I had ate shrimp the night before and I am allergic. I am very swollen, but I can't help it I just love the stuff and I waited to long to get the allergy meds in me.

That is all I am going to post today. I will post more about our vacation later on!
What a great cabin. I love the pine walls - so warm and inviting. So nice you are buying your house from your parents. Owning a home is a great feeling.
I enjoyed your pictures. It looks like ya'll had a great place to stay and enjoyed yourselves to. Thank you for stopping by to say hello. (((Brandy)))
That is such a neat place. I'd like to live there!! Shucks, I'd just like to be where I am and have my house look that neat and clean!! Tomorrow.... yes!!
I love your chipmunk picture! So sad that shrimp does that to you. I love that stuff and I know you do too!
See you tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll see you tomorrow..you're only a day away...la la la!!
Love ya,
Aunt Hopie
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I am glad to see the pictures of the vacation. Looks like a very relaxing place to be.
Sorry about the shrimp but at least you are humorous enough to post a Chipmunk face.
Hope the baby sitting goes well. I have this one friend who kept a little boy from birth to school and he refers to her as Nanny. He is around ten now and still comes over on some weekends or days to spend time with Nanny.
Peace be with you.
The pictures of the cabin make me ready to go NOW. I din't notice right away that you were puffy, but I can see it once you pointed it out. Very suttle swelling and worth the food allergy risks, I imagine.
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